
Speeding Ticket

I have a question.
Why does the god-like national government employee,
the police hide in ambush...
How could I answer a question
if a kid asks me why a righteous guy hides in ambush?
Isn't the purpose of road safety,
to decrease the number of accidents?
The way the Japanese police cracks down speeding is....
first placing the speed measuring device
where cars speed the most,
and then after they let it happen in front of them,
they give you a ticket.
If they just place a police officer in replacement of
where they put the measuring device,
the drivers will notice the police officer
in the middle of the slope and reduce their speed,
which will prevent someone getting in danger.
Wouldn't that take care of it?
Wouldn't that be better?
Wouldn't that be a better way to keep safety?
We really don't need that
many police officers regulating speeding.
It is a waste of labor.
Do they need to meet a quota or something?
It is almost like a 'police corporation' .
Are they aiming for first section market?

★VIDEO【Kuru Kuru Par】ON AIR @ YouTube

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