I love the zoo.
However, sometimes I get very sad.
They are supposed to be in nature.
In a way, there are many good sides of the zoo
like for the education of human kids.
But this is nothing but arrogance of humans.
The idea that humans are more special
than other species is a human idea.
It is the same for pets.
They are leashed, taken away their freedom,
and put in a cage.
It seems so natural now,
but think about it for a moment.
The only ones who kill other speices
other than the purpose of
keeping the 'food chain' are humans.
Same as for flowers and plants.
Taken from the field, they are sometimes cut,
and then trapped in a pot or a vase.
Is this really something that
someone who loves nature and lives should do?
But anyway I sometimes feel
"The real cage is not there but here"(our side)
★VIDEO【Kuru Kuru Par】ON AIR @ YouTube
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