
A comment from the Prince

Several decades ago.....
the author of "The Little Prince"
,Saint-Exupery , who was an aviator,
one day,
never returned from a reconnaissance flight.
His destination is only in our imagination.

Several years ago.....
a former German air force soldier confessed that
he shot down Saint-Exupery’s plane.
His plane was also found sunk in the seabed.
The former German air force soldier made a comment,
“I am a big fan of him and his work,
if I had known that it was Saint-Exupery’s plane,
I would have not shot it down.”

One day....
the Little Prince who had heard that said...
“Even if it was or was not Saint-Exupery’s plane,
it should have never been shot”

★VIDEO【Kuru Kuru Par】ON AIR @ YouTube

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