
Global Warming

Human beings are melting the ice in the south pole
while making ice cubes in their freezers.
Humans breathe oxygen, and releases CO2.
We tend to destroy things while we create.

However, global warming is not a fault of the humans,
it's the sun.
Everything that occurs in this universe,
including what humans do, is a natural phenomena.
Thinking that it might even be suicidal.
How arrogant a human's perception is.
If humans fall into ruin by this natrual phenomena,
it is natural selection.
The progress of humans is too slow and small.

One thing humans should realize
from this global warming issue is that
if humans do not find a way to escape this solar system
by the time the solar system dies,
the DNA that humans have inherited will end.
If the harmonious universe decides to
include human beings,
there will be a future in outer space.
If not, it is just game over.

So, let's take a deep breath and think what
we can do to for fun right now.
I'm suffocating.

★VIDEO【Kuru Kuru Par】ON AIR @ YouTube

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