
"The world of nuclear power plant zero"

"The world of nuclear power plant zero"
We could stop all the nuclear plants in Japan today.
So we can stop all the nuclear plant in the world soon.
Let's do it together.
Beyond the nation or government.
We are people living on earth.
Stop giving sell nuclear technology to other country.
Stop leaving nuclear waste to other country.
Please keep on your eyes to your government or company.
If even that is not done immediately, We will know that the crisis level of the earth will not change yet.
Because many nuclear plants is working many places in the world.
Let's stop all the nuclear plant as soon as possible for all the life in this world.
We can do it.
And, After that we can leave all the nuclear weapon or any kind of weapons or Army in the world in the future.
Let's believe and walk to the future together.


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